About our Program.
The academy is divided into four areas of concentration (studios). Students will either pursue the filmmaking, design, digital music, or gaming/animation studios. Students can choose to take courses in multiple studios if their schedule allows. Elective courses are also offered to the Graphic Arts students including 2D Animation, Special Effects in Film, Photography, and 3D Creature Design.
All incoming students will need to apply to The Academy of Entertainment Arts and then select the studio they wish to pursue after being accepted into the academy.

Most Academy students take multiple AEA courses every year. An AEA student can, in their four years, take every course offered in our program. Though the minimum requirement is to take three years of one studio.

Our facilities are outfitted with the most state-of-the-art hardware and software available.

We offer the following certifications in the various academy studios.

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Premiere Adobe Flash Adobe Dreamweaver Apple's Logic Pro Microsoft Bundle
How to apply to The Academy of Entertainment Arts.
Please visit:
You must have a PCS Parent Portal ID and password to log on to the Student Reservation system. To obtain a ID
and password please visit any Pinellas County School to obtain one. You can find out more about this and required
documentation at:
The New Rebellion Studios is part of the Graphic Arts Academy at Dixie M. Hollins High School. You should apply for
the Graphic Arts Academy initially. Once accepted, you and your child will choose either the Film or Design option.
1. Log on to the Reservation system with your PCS Parent Portal ID and password.
2. Choose the option that applies to you. (My child currently attends a PCS... etc.)
3. Choose the option: District Application Program.
4. The three programs/academies offered at Dixie M. Hollins High School are Cambridge/AICE Program, The Academy of
Entertainment Arts or Culinary Arts Academy. To apply for the New Rebellion Studios you should choose The Academy of
Entertainment Arts.
4. Make sure you fill out all pages to complete the application.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Mary Citek, our school's Magnet Secretary at citekm@pcsb.org with any questions.